Pregnancy Symptoms: Am I pregnant or not?

Whether out of fear or with hope, at least once in life, every woman has passed on this question: will I be pregnant? A delay on the cycle, some strange symptoms, and it is immediately the alarm. So let’s find out what the first pregnancy symptoms are to understand if it is only a delay or a heart beating in our tummy.

When the cycle is late, the first question we women ask ourselves is this: am I pregnant? Because you can use all the contraceptives in the world, but you always think you can fall among that millionth of people to whom the contraceptive does not work.

Then some women are looking for a child and can’t wait for the pregnancy test to show the two long-awaited dashes. So if the cycle delays, the first thing to do is buy a pregnancy test, but listening to our body can help us understand something more.

The main symptoms of pregnancy


The first symptom of pregnancy usually concerns odors. This is because pregnant women have a compassionate sense of smell and feel disgusted with certain smells, even those they usually like.

Some women accustomed to having coffee find themselves suddenly disgusted, others disgusting cigarette smoke or the smell of boiled vegetables. It is very subjective, but almost all of them experience this sensation that probably arose from the sudden increase in estrogen.


Among the first symptoms of pregnancy there is nausea, often resulting from disgust for certain smells. It is hormones that determine this disorder which in some women vanishes at the third trimester. In others, it lasts throughout gestation.


Between the first and second weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum (which will soon become a fetus) implants itself in the uterus, and during this maneuver, it is possible to see bright-red blood losses and pain in the bass center. Unfortunately, many women mistake this bleeding for abnormal menstruation and do not doubt pregnancy until the following month.


That of the breast is the first physical change that can be noticed from the very first days of pregnancy. The breast appears more turgid and tense, much more sensitive to the touch to be painful, and the haloes enlarge and change color, becoming darker.


In the first days of pregnancy, we tend to yawn a lot and have real sleep attacks. Fatigue occurs almost immediately due to the increase in hormone levels and the lowering of blood pressure, which occurs in conjunction with conception.

A great desire to pee

The continuous urge to urinate is typical of the first and last trimester of pregnancy. Among the first symptoms of pregnancy, there is this symptom because a lot of progesterone immediately develops, which relaxes the muscles of the bladder and urethra, limiting the ability to hold back the pee.

Dizziness and fainting

Some women experience the feeling of fainting from the first days of pregnancy and are dizzy. This sensation is due to the drop in blood pressure and the drop in sugars because from the first week, the sugars feed the fetus, and if the woman stays fasting for a long time, she may be prone to fainting.

In summary, you may be pregnant if you have a menstrual delay and one of these symptoms. However, do not trust your instincts and rush to buy a pregnancy test to remove any doubts. Alternatively, go to the attending physician who will prescribe special analyzes to understand if the pregnancy is ongoing or not.

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