Cold Sores: Causes, symptoms and natural remedies to treat and prevent it

Do you suffer from cold sores? Do not worry; the important thing is recognizing the problem at the first symptoms and acting immediately with some proven natural remedies. But, first, let’s find out the symptoms, the causes, and how to pass the cold sores quickly and effectively.

If you see one or more red blisters appear around the lips, you may be experiencing cold sores, also called lip fever or deaf fever, a pervasive problem, unsightlier and annoying than serious.

The cause of cold sores is mainly the Herpes Simplex virus, or HSV1 (belonging to the same family as the chickenpox virus), once taken root within the body, tends to give this type of manifestation.

Its presence can be felt sporadically in other areas of the body, for example, around the nostrils, on the palate, on the cheeks, or in the private parts (in the latter case, we speak of genital herpes or Herpes Simplex type 2). The mucous membranes are always affected. But what are the causes of cold sores? How can we understand if this is a problem? Let’s find out.

Cold sores: Causes and Symptoms

The causes of cold sores are lowering the immune defenses, periods of particular stress, psychophysical fatigue, fever, hormonal changes, excessive exposure to the sun, or tanning lamps (especially without adequate protective creams), episodes of indigestion, and some drug treatments.

Another prevalent cause of the appearance of this problem is contagion. In essence, herpes is a contagious infection, so to avoid infecting the people around us or taking it to other parts of our body, it is essential to wash hands, not touch the blisters or rub other face areas the eyes.

In the same way, it is important not to drink from the same bottle or glass as someone who is infected and avoid contacting between the lips with the partner until the pustules have disappeared.

Cold sores are manifested by symptoms that were very light at first, which can be exchanged with those of the appearance of a small pimple or a bubble, but which instead become increasingly clear and report precisely the presence of this virus.

It starts with slight redness and tingling in some places on the lips, then one or more ” blisters ” appear, and finally, these fill with liquid and become more painful and annoying. At this moment, there are no more doubts: we are in the presence of herpes.

Finally, the pustules tend to burst or reabsorb, most of the time, without leaving marks. As a result, cold sores and fever-like sensations may also appear among the symptoms of cold sores: sore throat, joint pain, headache, and more.

Unfortunately, cold sores are a very recurring problem that generally becomes chronic. Whenever you are subject to a drop in your immune system or a period of severe stress, it tends to reappear. This is because this virus, which cannot fight effectively with any drug, remains ” hidden ” between the nerve cells until it finds certain conditions and fertile ground to re-grow.

Usually, in a period ranging from 7 to 10 days, the side effects caused by the herpes virus tend to disappear, even without doing anything, but certainly using some simple remedy can help the situation to improve faster, also alleviating the discomfort.

Cold sores: Natural remedies

Let’s find out what the natural remedies are to prevent and fight the appearance of cold sores.

1. Tea tree oil against cold sores

Among the most-used remedies for herpes, we certainly find Tea tree oil, an essential oil with powerful antiviral and antibacterial qualities. Tea tree oil should be applied directly to the vesicles. It takes just one or two drops several times a day. Alternatively, you can dab a wet cotton ball with essential oil directly on the inflamed area three or four times a day.

2. Baking soda: a grandmother’s remedy

A grandmother’s remedy for cold sores is baking soda, which can be applied pure directly on the affected area or by making compresses with a solution based on this product and water or by making a sort of ” baby food ” with half a teaspoon of baking soda and a few drops of water to spread on the spot where herpes appeared.

3. Lemon for an antibacterial effect

An excellent remedy for cold sores is lemon juice that can make compresses using gauze or a cotton ball. The acidity of the lemon tends to dry out the pustules first, and this fruit also has antibacterial properties.

4. Melissa against redness and itching

Even an infusion made from lemon balm leaves can help cure herpes faster, counteracting redness and itching. It should be applied several times a day where it is needed most.

5. Echinacea for a soothing action

Creams based on this plant or the mother tincture of Echinacea can be used directly on the blisters obtaining a disinfectant and soothing action.

6. Aloe vera against cold sores

Among the natural remedies for cold sores, you can also choose the topical use of Aloe in gel or, if you have the plant, directly of a leaf half-open, affixing the gelatinous part on the pustule to help dry first. Alternatively, wet a gauze, a cotton cloth, or a cotton pad with the gelatinous liquid inside the plant and pass it on to the bubbles several times a day.

7. Thyme

Thyme is a medicinal plant known for its antiseptic properties, which allow counteracting the appearance of cold sores if used when the first symptoms are felt and to eliminate it quickly when it is already present. It can be used in the form of mother tincture or essential oil, a cotton swab that we previously wet with mother tincture, or thyme essential oil, which is applied directly to the painful area several times a day.

8. Ice to relieve the nuisance

You should know that cold is very effective in calming the burning, tingling, itching, and redness caused by cold sores and helps eliminate this infection faster. To mitigate these annoying symptoms in a short time, try to place an ice cube on the painful area of the lips, even several times a day, for at least 5 minutes.

9. Wine vinegar

To calm the troubles related to herpes on the lips and speed up the healing process, it is possible to treat the inflamed area with white wine vinegar. Just place a cotton ball soaked in the wine vinegar on the pustules. By repeating this treatment several times a day, the crust will form in a short time, thus promoting the disappearance of the blisters.

10. Stick or protective lip creams

To avoid that excessive exposure to the sun can favor the appearance of herpes, especially in the summer, it is good to use protective lipsticks better if purchased in herbal medicine or specialized shops and as natural and plant-based as possible.

11. Support the immune system to get rid of herpes

Especially in the prevention of cold sores, the most effective natural remedies are undoubtedly those which in some way act on the immune system. Among these, besides the Echinacea, of which we have already spoken, and the Aloe in the juice to be taken by mouth, there are the Dog Roses, the Astragalus, and the Uncaria Tomentosa.

12. Food supplements

Some dietary supplements may also help against cold sores, to be used only after consulting your doctor. In particular, lysine-based supplements, an amino acid that has shown beneficial properties in acute episodes and the prevention of recurrence, are effective.

Zinc is also a useful remedy for herpes: it helps reduce the frequency and intensity of episodes and contributes to reducing recurrence. Finally, it can also be useful to take supplements based on the B complex vitamin and zinc, which prevents this virus’s appearance and counter it naturally.

Nutrition against cold sores

It is necessary to know that among the best remedies to treat, but above all, avoid, the appearance of cold sores is that of not consuming some foods those rich in arginines such as chocolate, peanuts, almonds, and walnuts that help the reactivation of Herpes Simplex.

Alcohol, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks are also harmful, all substances that increase inflammation. During acute episodes, it would be better to avoid sugars and acidic foods such as grapefruits, tomatoes, and oranges to aggravate the situation.

Instead, they prefer foods rich in the amino acid lysine, which helps the body to replace the tissues of the mucous membranes damaged by the virus. So go ahead for legumes of all types: soy, lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. Also, favor varieties of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, such as peppers, cabbage, berries, strawberries, kiwis, etc., as they promote healing.

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