9 Tips for beautiful legs

The beauty and health of our legs undoubtedly depend on genetic predisposition, but we can do something to help mother nature. Follow these 9 tips regularly, and you will see significant results.

  1. Say good-bye to sedentary life: the whole body will benefit greatly. For example, if you work at the office, there are exercises to do sitting at the desk (and no one will notice), also park the car a little farther than usual, a short but quick walk will help the circulation of your legs.
  2. Drink a lot away from meals: the ideal amount is 2 liters of water a day. Also, herbal teas, as long as they are not sweetened, if you really cannot do without a sweetener, use stevia or honey.
  3. Wear graduated socks and promote blood circulation along the entire length of the legs, from the ankle to the buttocks.
  4. No coffee or cigarettes, or at least limited use: caffeine and nicotine restrict the capillaries, preventing the right blood supply.
  5. Never choose clothes that are too tight: the use of stretchy jeans, over-tight trousers, and bustiers must be eliminated because it is an obstacle to blood circulation.
  6. No even underwear was too tight as sheaths and girdles as they obstruct the right flow of blood.
  7. Do not stay near sources of heat for a long time: too high temperatures cause an excessive dilation of blood vessels and, in some cases, the breakage of the capillaries.
  8. Avoid shoes with very high heels. Wear them only on special occasions: they cause alterations to the circulation and promote cellulite formation.
  9. Follow a low-calorie diet without becoming a slave to the scales. Better to reduce the consumption of salt, alcohol, and animal fats.

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